TEAL 2.0

TECHNOLOGY ENABLED ACTIVE LEARNING Improving Access to Science and Technology Higher Education in Resource-Poor Institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning Environment TEAL2.O

Project Ref No: 6610186-EPP-1-2019-1-LK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP | Programme: ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the field Higher Education.
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About TEAL2.0

Project Reference Number: 610186-EPP-1-2019-1-LK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Coordinating Institution: University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka

Objective of Teal 2.0

To develop, validate and launch a collaborative and modular open Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) platform
To initiate learning & teaching content development through the platform

Teal 2.0 Platfor Features

Enhanced opportunities for collaborative learning and teaching
A software infrastructure empowering student-centered learning

Contacts Details

Dr. Sonali Agarwal,
Indian Institute of information Technology, Allahabad sonali@iiita.ac.in

About TEAL 2.0

TEAL2.0 TECHNOLOGY ENABLED ACTIVE LEARNING Improving Access to Science and Technology Higher Education in Resource-Poor Institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning Environment TEAL2.O

The specific objectives of the project are

  • To develop, validate and launch a collaborative and modular open Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) platform, in the form of an open access online tool hosted in the cloud, allowing full customization to suit the needs of individual institutions, faculty, and learners in the PC contexts
  • To initiate learning & teaching content development through the platform in key S&T areas,thus kick-starting and promoting the use of the platform in learning networks within the PCs
  • To build human resources capacity and sustainable support structures in order to enable the active exploitation of the platform in the participating PC institutions.

Due to the modularity of the platform, PC institutions will be able to build their own programs (specifying Program Objectives and credit structure), teachers will be able to build their own modules of content (specifying Individual Learning Outcomes and credit loads) and learners will be able to build their own courses, using, mixing and re-mixing existing content and adding new content. Content will be developed and used in an open and collaborative manner, pooling available expertise across the PCs and utilizing the expertise available in individual institutions’ global networks. TEAL2.O will also address quality assurance issues associated with this open approach to content development by enabling peer review and the establishment of a system that tracks in an intelligent way the level of interaction of the learner with the content, teachers, and fellow students using algorithms similar to that of google page ranking, FB, and Research Gate.

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Support and Development Center (SDC)

The Support and Development Center (SDC) has been established at IIITA as part of the TEAL 2.0 project. These centers serve as vital university support structures with the primary objective of promoting the utilization and further advancement of the TEAL 2.0 environment among both students and teaching staff within the university, as well as in the broader state and national higher education system. The SDC coordinator will serve as the central point of contact for institutions looking to adopt the platform. Interested institutions can communicate their requirements and intentions via the email address provided in the "Contact Us" section of this webpage to receive assistance in setting up, using, or contributing to the TEAL 2.0 environment. The core mission of the SDCs is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the TEAL 2.0 environment and facilitate its future expansion within the exploitation network.

  • Provide training to IIITA educators in utilizing all resources available at SDC, IIITA.
  • Offer support and act as a contact point for institutions and individual learners seeking to utilize the TEAL 2.0 platform in the future (TEAL 2.0 Support and Development Centers - SDCs).
  • Deliver courses using the TEAL 2.0 platform, conduct faculty and student training focused on its use, and offer shared physical working space for faculty interested in developing advanced content with assistance from the SDC team..
  • Elevate the quality of online learning within the Institute, ensuring access to high-quality global expertise and modern learning support technology, including virtual laboratories.

Support received from the European Union for SDC:

  • Video Cameras
  • 86" Smart Interactive Panel
  • 4K Ultra HD Displays
  • Storage Server
  • Computing Nodes

Details of Project

Project Title Teal2p0
Project Number 6610186-EPP-1-2019-1-LK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project Website https://teal.iiita.ac.in
Project duration 36 Months
Start date of the project 15th January 2020
Programme ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the field Higher Education
Project grant 655520 EURO
Lead Coordinator University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka
Project Coordinator at IIITA Dr. Sonali Agarwal
Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India

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  • All
  • App
  • Card
  • Web

App 1


Web 3


App 2


Card 2


Web 2


App 3


Card 1


Card 3


Web 3



Dr. Sonali Agarwal

Project Manager & PI

Prof. Shekhar Verma


Dr. Pavan Chakroborty


Dr. K P Singh


Dr. Triloki Pant


Ajay Kumar Tiwari


Mr. Pankaj Srivastava


Mr. Rajit Ram Yadav



Teal 2.0 Center is Located in CC-3 Building of the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad


CC-3 Building IIITA


+91 292 2153

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